Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Found A Dress: Mission Accomplished!

After trying on approximately 30 dresses and trying to convince myself into quite a few, I found this:

I really like it. And bought it. At BCBG for approximately 30% of the original price - score!

Have to get the top altered slightly (of course!), but all else is good.

This is the first time I have worn a skirt this length in a lonnnnnng time. Time to crank up the Jillian tapes!

In case you hadn't figured, that's not me in the picture :)


  1. Yeah...looks great. I hit BCBG a great pair of shoes %70 off! Man, I need some jillian tapes? are they any good?

  2. yes her tapes are great. i got the 30 day shred which is a 20 minute workout with three versions (levels) also got her kettleball workout also really like. Both are under 30 mins but get the job done. so far so good. and she is pretty nice in them too. no screaming

  3. Do you have a kettleball? Worth getting? I love the dress you picked, am sure you will rock it. Especially if you keep up with Jillian. Otherwise some push-ups and a spray tan might do the trick :)

  4. nope, no kettleball needed. i use a 5 lb weight by the handle and it works just fine. very cool things though. may put on my bday list in may :)
    have you gotten your jillian yet jennie?

  5. No, I have to admit I have not gotten it. There always seems to be so many things to do I have to admit I have not been making myself a priority. I have been sticking to my new meal plan decently so am feeling good about that, my I need to get the fitness going for sure. I am hoping to at least get out for some walks for the next few days since it is going to be so mild!


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