I don't know if I can do it.
My oldest son is almost three-and-a-half and I know he is ready to drop his afternoon nap. He still passes out for a good two-hour nap and gets to bed around 7:30 p.m. But recently he has started waking up in the range of 5-5:30 a.m. and really fighting his bedtime and not falling asleep until close to 8:30 or 9:00 p.m.
Children's sleeping patterns are such a personal thing for parents. No two parents are really alike. Some don't mind late bedtimes, in favour of later sleep ins; some prefer earlier bedtimes, but don't mind waking up earlier.
I am more of an early evening bedtime person. I can't imagine my kids going to bed at nine or later as I would virtually be tucking them in and then going to bed myself with no adult time or any chance to spend a moment with my husband. The fall out has been that my kids have always gotten up close to 6 a.m., if not earlier (ugh!) BUT, and this is a big but, they have always been great nappers. And for this I am SO grateful.
Right now, my routine is that both boys go down for their afternoon naps between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m. and stay down for close to two hours (on most days). I soooo look forward to this time as I can totally regain my composure, get some chores done and have a tea (ahhhhh!). I love this routine. Although I love spending time with my son's, the idea of not having a break throughout the day is daunting. And just how well does enforcing a mandatory "quiet time" really work?
So, just as the song goes and the title of this post says, "Na na na na, Na na na na, Hey hey hey Good Bye!"
I'm going to try and hold on for a few extra weeks, and in the mean time have been trying to go outside and get a bit more of a "run" in before dinner to burn off a bit more energy (and aid bedtime).
I'm thinking dropping it in the spring when the weather is nicer, will make everyone's transition a bit easier:)
Wish me luck!
Any advice or personal experience is welcome!
four things | twenty-one
2 days ago
My youngest son was very hard to get to take naps, although he was cranky and needed one. I had to physically hold him down for five minutes. He just needed to learn to let go of all motion. Only lasted til he was 2 and we moved to England. Stopped taking naps, but went to bed earlier in the evening.
ReplyDeletewelcome Darlene and thanks so much for your commens. I know what you mean about he motion thing. If my son actually lays quietly he goes to bed So easily but any movemnt, joking, giggles, or hyper activities and good luck. It also doesn't help when he is constantly yelling out in a really dramatic voice, " ... but it's SOOOOO hard!" Don't we wish someone would snuggle us into a bed on a daily basis and ask us to take a nap - ha!
ReplyDeleteAm jealous your 3 1/2 year old is still napping! We lost those around 2, although she would nap if she fell asleep in the car after an active morning (like Wonderland)and I could easily transfer her into bed for a nap. It's not a huge deal for me, b/c she plays really well independently and "somewhat" gets it that when her sister (11 months) is napping in the pm, Mommy needs quiet time or nobody is going to be happy. Maybe have a box of special toys/books/coluring materials that are JUST for quiet time so he looks forward to it too? Funny how when you little you hate sleeping, when you are older you would almost pay good money for it!