What could be easier and more carefree than blowing bubbles?
A few huffs and puffs and endless enjoyment chasing after the spherical delights and watching as they drift up into the sky ... or pop on a blade of grass.
Hello? Well, apparently you have not blown bubbles with small toddlers recently. Try teaching someone who likes to put everything in their mouths to blow bubbles. First thing that my son does is licks the wand like a lollipop (yuck!). But despite the taste, he keeps doing it.
Not to mention the poor little fella kind of blows upwards towards his nose and not outwards so even when he blows, the actual bubble creation aspect doesn't happen that often.
Enter: bubble wands and big brother. These larger bubble wands are (in my opinion) much better as the wind works at making the bubbles or you can just twirl around with the wand and voila, giant bubbles. After my $1 purchases I was thinking I had found the solution to all of our bubble woes.
That is until I left my two sons on the side patio for one minute (completely within eye sight) this afternoon and looked up to find my eldest son pouring the entire (large) bottle of bubble liquid over my youngest son's head.
Deep breaths!
Here we go again.
Here's to spring! What have you and your troops been up to with this nice weather ... besides blowing bubbles that is :)
four things | twenty-one
2 days ago
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