It turns out, all you need is beeswax, vitamin E, a little olive oil, honey, peppermint oil (or other essential oil of your choice) and cocoa butter ...
throw it all in a frying pan for 2 minutes ...
... and voila - lip balm au natural, free of chemicals and whatever other junk is thrown in the usual stuff.
I also made some luxurious lavender bath salts last Friday. Again - EASY! I promise. Epsom salts, baking soda, lavender flowers and a few drops of lavender oil and you've got yourself a whole pile of beautifully smelling bath salts just waiting for your next soak in the tub.
You're probably thinking, yeah, but I don't have any lavender oil kicking around the house or lavender flowers for that matter. I didn't either, but I assure you, one trip to the right store, recipe in hand, and you will be set. I ventured to Nature's Emporium in Newmarket and they had everything and more! Prices were reasonable especially when you think about how much you can make with the amount I bought and compare it to the obscene prices we pay every day at the makeup counters and Shopper's Drug Mart.
So if you're interested, here it is, the recipe for Homemade Lip Balm (compliments of There's Lead in Your Lipstick by Gillian Deacon, p. 136):
(makes enough for 100 applications.)
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp honey
3/4 tsp beeswax (grated)
1/2 tsp pure cocoa butter
3 of 4 drops of your choice of essential oil (peppermint, lemon or whatever flavour you want)
1 vitamin E capsule
In a small saucepan, heat oil, honey, wax, and butter over low heat until just melted.
remove from heat and allow to cool for two to three minutes.
Stir in flavouring and contents of vitamin E capsule.
Pour into containers of your choice.
four things | twenty-one
2 days ago
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