Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Would You Like Fresh Ground Pepper With That?

We all get blackheads and some of us are even obsessed with constantly pressing, squeezing and pinching our faces for the satisfaction of "getting" one!

My husband insists that I don't get many, regardless, every couple of weeks, I do get that greasy, film-like feeling on my face that just doesn't seem to go away ... even if I have just washed my face with my expensive cleanser.

I tried out this simple homemade recipe (with my husband as a guinea pig companion) and we both liked the results.

(There's Lead in Your Lipstick by Gillian Deacon, page 85)

Simply mix 1 tablespoon of fresh ground pepper with 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt. Apply the paste onto any blackheads and leave for 5-10 minutes.  Wash it off and the blackheads should be gone or very loose easy to remove.Only use fresh ground pepper.

Okay, so maybe I went a bit overboard as the recipe says just to put it where you have blackheads, but I wanted to make it worth my while.

More than noticing my blackheads being gone, I notice a really clean and clear feeling to my pores and skin.

There is a bit of stinging as you remove it, but it's natural and goes away within a minute.  Better to know that the sting is from all natural products and is working, than from lead and chemicals peeling away your precious skin and damaging it and your body forever ;) And for the record, my husband has been saying he wants to do it again.

P.S.  Reminder that if you are a follower and leave a comment this week, you will qualify for a fitness-related giveaway.


  1. This Looks like fun! I'll definitely try this one.

  2. Looks kind of gross actually, from the picture. I can't believe I posted that. Anyways, yes, a good one. I did the brown sugar and almond oil for approx 20 ladies in my book club (after a few glasses of wine) and they loved that too!


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