"Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food." Food Rules: An Eater's Manual by Michael Pollan
All I could think of was this quote when I did it. "It" being I bought my sons yogurt tubes (or whatever they're called). (Something tells me my great-grandmother would have no idea what a grape-flavoured yogurt tube would be.)
I am not a big fan of the gimmicky food. You know the bright colours, the television characters, weird shapes, individual packaging and whatever else they are using these days to rope in the young.
My belief (and probably that of June Cleaver's as well) is that food should have as little packaging as possible, be bought because you want to eat the food not something that is being advertised on the outside and be healthy (the more they have to do to it before you eat it, the chances are it's not that great for you).
Anyways, my son loved the thought of purchasing the "tubes" and eating them ... but truthfully, once the initial novelty of drinking yogurt (instead of eating it) and packaging that reminded him of eating a freezie was over, he was neutral. The running to the fridge and excitement over the option of yogurt dissipated and the tubes had lost their cool.
I have vowed that I will restrict "tubes" to vacations or special occasions and went back to the old standard - gasp! yogurt in typical yogurt containers. My kids like yogurt as it is, so really, there's no reason to be buying (and succumbing to) the bells and whistles.
Now only if broccoli and spinach came in tubes and grape flavour ;)
Note: No offence intended to any yogurt tube buyers out there
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four things | twenty-one
2 days ago
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