It's so exciting when close friends and family are expecting babies and I am fortunate right now to have a number of bambinos on the way in my circles.
As showers get closer and as I think about what I would like to get the expecting parents, it always makes me think about what toy/tool/book/piece of apparatus was my absolute go-to or favorite. as we all know there are items that stick and become such staples in the household and there are others that just don't do the trick. Sometimes it is totally up to the child as to what they gravitate to or adopt as their own, but other times there definitely is a difference between good quality, baby-friendly (and parent friendly) items and gimmicks or "too good to be true" products.
For me, some of my favourites included:
A baby blanket that is soft and cozy. My eldest son received a baby blanket like this at one of my showers. I'm not sure from who exactly as in his baby book I just wrote down "blanket" from those who gave them and he did get quite a few. Turns out, this was the one he picked to be his "blankie" about a year later. It's something with the satin edges; he scratches them as he's falling to sleep to sooth himself (hence its name "scratchy"). do take detailed notes as to who gave you what blanket so you know where to get a duplicate in case it does become their favourite. I have yet to find another scratchy ... luckily he has 2nd and 3rd runner ups that are part of his lineup too! My youngest son - pure fleece blanket was his choice.
My baby chair, similar to this one, I loved. I'm not a big fan of the vibration or bounce modes and I took the bar with the spinny things completely off (although I know some Moms would completely disagree with me). This chair is just so handy because for the first 6-9 months when they can't hold their head up or move around, it allows them to be propped up and with you looking around secure. You can get all sorts of fancy schmancy ones, but like I already said, I didn't use all the gadgets, so in my opinion, don't waste your money - just a chair that is safe and secure will do.
A friend gave this to me in passing and I didn't give it much thought (it got stored away on a book shelf). when 6 weeks in I was having challenges with naps and sleeping, another friend mentioned "the baby whisperer" and then the book got pulled off the shelf. I have since bought all of her books and love each and every one of them. Parenting is a hugely personal thing - everyone's approach, beliefs and challenges are completely different - so I can only speak to my experience. I found this author offered tough love - the kind your Grandma would give you - respect for the baby, but the reality that sometimes if you want amazing long-term results (re: sleeping, eating, behavior) you have to put the hard work in now. Great step by step information and follow up book that go into more detail. Great for first children as when the second comes around, you may not have as much time to devote to "training."
My kids were both born in August/September so fall and winter quickly came. My MIL bought my oldest son a beautiful white Baby Gap bunting bag when he was in the hospital. It was wonderful and used a lot! It had the option of being a bunting bag (one giant sleeping bag) or zipped into legs (idea for car seat rides). Still debating on whether to save it for the "box of special things" or pass it along :)
Baby Monitors. I had a regular ol' baby monitor but my husband and I debated the video versions (you can actually hear AND see the child from your monitor. At the time I poo poo'd the techier version, but in hindsight, it would have been very handy - have they lost their soother? Are they lying down or standing up? Are they 1/2 asleep? Are they covered up? Very helpful in determining whether you want to risk going in and waking them or assisting them.
My playpen, given to me at a shower, is a gift that just keeps on giving. Mine came with a bassinet attachment (which I never got to use because I was lent a stand alone one), roof top and a side that comes down to shield their view. I have used it outside in the sun while we garden (they are shaded under the canopy), I take it whenever we go on a trip to the cottage or anywhere really, and have even set it up to protect my little one from his big brother in moments of desperation. (It also works if you are super sick or sleep deprived to the point of not being able to function - slip them in there while you doze off or attempt to get better and at least you know they are contained and safe.
Robeez slippers. Socks - forget it. Cute shoes - no way. These slippers did stay on my kids' feet and they are adorable. Nice because they don't slip once they are walking too!
My son loved his "spidey man" by Lamaze. Again, some toys stick while others gather dust. My son just said today while we were in his room going through stuffed animals that he did NOT want to get rid of this.
There are many more things that I know will come to me, but i want to hear from you .... what were your go-to toys/items that saved your life or that your babies adored and I'll be sure to pass along to all my pregnant friends and family members (and you can do the same if you like).
For all you expectant moms out there, you will notice that I didn't have a high chair or jolly jumper, etc. on the list. That is because you don't need to worry about anything like that for at least six months so don't stress about all the do dads. when your baby comes home, they just need nourishment, love and a cozy little nest to sleep in and they will be just fiiiine.