Thursday, March 17, 2011

Closet Cleanse: Helpful Hints for this Weekend

When you are cleaning out your closet this weekend, or ever, some helpful hints/suggestions ... ORDERS!
  • Keep only what fits now (unless you are pregnant). When you lose the weight, you're going to want new stuff. Make room. And talk about depressing - the feeling you get when you attempt to put on an item of clothing that is too small.
  • Do you even like it? Don't keep it if you don't like it because guess what?  You won't wear it if you don't like it.
  • Pitch anything with bad memories.  Sweet memories - sure, bad/sad/depressing/induces anger or sobbing memories - get rid of it!
  • Get rid of duplicates, unless it is a basic that you wear more than once a week.
  • Finally say good bye to ANY undergarment that is uncomfortable, requires wedgie picking on a regular basis or thong adjusting or leaves bright red marks/lacerations on your skin when you take it off.
  • One Year Rule - if you haven't worn it in one year (especially clothes that are meant to be worn on a regular basis), give it away. Only exception here is formal wear or items that are once-in-a-blue-moon apparel.
  • It must be comfortable - if you regret wearing it or constantly have to adjust yourself while in it, trade it in for something you love and that feels nice on.
  • Don't keep something just because it was expensive. Doesn't matter how much it cost, if you don't wear it and you're never going to, it's taking up precious real estate.
..and for those items that you are really humming and hawing over, here's a tip from my sister-in-law:

Flip all the hangers backwards in your closet. Every time you wear something, turn the hanger back to its regular position. After 3,6,9 months, do a check - anything that is still backwards gets the boot!

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