Thursday, March 24, 2011

FNL vs. Mad Men - Pllllease!

When I tell my friends about Friday Night Lights and ask if they have ever seen it because:
  • it is awesome
  • they would love it
  • your husband would love it
  • it is awesome
  • Riggins
  • Coach and Tami
  • Saranson & Julie
  • the stories and characters are soooo good
  • it is awesome
I often here a "no, I haven't, but you know what else is really good ... have you seen Mad Men?"

So until recently, I had not. I was intrigued ... what was this Mad Men that people were talking about?

A couple of weeks ago my husband and I started watching and all I have to say is:

Pllllleeeease!!!! Mad Men can sit down right now.

I can see why people like it. Interesting characters, catchy idea, but no way. FNL = WAY better!
(If you missed my review of FNL back in September, click here.)

Friday Night Lights I enjoy so much more, not to mention the upside that after watching it I don't feel dirty and like throwing something at Don (the philanderer) Draper or any of the other "gentleman" on the show.

FNL has heart, gorgessity, actual plot lines, hunks, drama, football and adrenaline for the hubby, heart break, morals, real marriages (you know the ones where two people are together and actually like being together) ... you get the idea.

I have no idea why this show has not hit the "big time" as so many people I know that have started watching it become totally enthralled and obsessed (Go Panthers Go!). But hey, if you prefer those dancing stars or kardashians live than perhaps we have different viewing habits :)

It's Friday. Do yourselves a favour - Rent/Buy/Google/Download Friday Night Lights Season One.

You can thank me on Monday.


P.S. Keep in mind I am not a huge TV person so for me to go on like this means something.


  1. Man Men was recommended to me a lot as well, but I just couldn't get into it either, evening though I was working in an ad agency!
    You should check out Veronica Mars. It only ran 3 seasons but it was awesome.

  2. My coworker is giving me all her FNL DVDs Monday and me and my hubby are going to start watching! I can't wait! I've already heard lots about Riggins :) HAHA

  3. Liz:
    Welcome. So glad that you stopped by. Please do let me know what you think. I don't know what it is about Riggins;)


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