While preparing for a wedding I recently attended, I was faced with the not-so-rare challenge of not quite filling out the bust area of my dress in the way it was intended and necessary (even after alterations ..errrrr!). This is the dress on the model:
Me being the frugal and pragmatic person that I am, did not want to purchase $50 jello-like inserts to stuff myself.
Hmmm .... what could I do instead? I tried stuffing a variety of little bra inserts and nursing pads into my cleavage, but nah, no luck.
Then I had a light bulb moment.
What if I wore both of my strapless bras? This way the bras would actually fit tighter (and not feel like they were going to fall down all night) and I would get some extra filler from the double bra and padding ... and why not throw in the (surprisingly substantial) inserts from my Lulu Lemon sports bra and presto! problem solved.
If you're trying to figure it all out in your head ... yes, I was wearing two bras and an insert while at the wedding in my fancy dress and the results were great - my dress fit better, didn't feel like it or the bras were falling down, rarely needed to adjust or heave my dress up and I didn't spend $50 on fakies.
I was somewhat proud of myself for this invention.
Feel free to borrow.
four things | twenty-one
2 days ago
Ooh, I'll have to use that one for sure. After two kids these girls aren't what they used to be!