Time to Pretty Things Up
We are on our way to the best part!!!
Later this week, I will be posting a wardrobe “basics” list so we get to go….SHOPPING!But first we need to pretty up our closets…
1- Those wire hangers HAVE TO GO!!! Nothing hurts my fashionista heart more than seeing gorgeous clothing hanging on those darn wire hangers. Please, please, please gather them up and take them to the nearest drycleaners - they recyle them and your closet will thank you.
2- Replace those ugly hangers with something pretty and functional. Wood or fabric covered hangers are suggested as best. I love my IKEA wood hangers - super cheap and look fabulous. What more could a Farmer’s Trophy Wife ask for?!

*image from IKEA*
3- Make your closet pretty.
This is one step that I might have to put off for a while, being that I have a bathroom project to finish first. But if you have the time and energy right now, go for it! The closet is one area that I think most husbands would be willing to hand over to our girlie ways and let us run wild with. I personally want something like this to paper the inside with…
*image from Anthropologie*
And then use something like this for the shelves….maybe spraypainted gold?!
*image from IKEA*
Add a few of these and I will be a happy girl!
*image from IKEA*
Just about every fashion/style book I read suggest/insist that sweaters are to be folded, not hung. This helps them keep their shape longer and make all that “laying flat to dry” work worth while!
Shoes and boots should also be kept either in the boxes they came in or something gorgeous like above. You can take pictures of what is inside and post on the outside.
I could go on and on about how to organize your closet, but you just need to find what works for you. Color coded, summer vs. winter items together, putting outfits together and hang together…and so on. I’m all about grouping similar items…all my tees together, jackets together…etc. Works for me!
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