When it comes to getting Christmas gifts and age, some things do not change whatsoever, and well, some things change in massive ways.
Take for instance two Christmas gifts I received this holiday season from Santa ...
1) An example of a gift which brings excitement and extreme giddiness and has since the time I received my first set.
wait for it ...
Boo YAH!
A beautiful makeup kit, complete with palettes of new shadow, eye pencils, lip gloss, shimmer, and bronzer - ohh la la.
I wish I still had the picture of me in my red and white flannel jammies, early 90s, sitting on Christmas morning at my Dad's house right after I opened up my first-ever makeup kit. My mouth was so wide open with excitement, my tonsils (or whatever that hangy down thing is called) is visible. I don't think you could see my tonsils this Christmas, but it was pretty nice to open up. The funny thing is I don't really wear a lot of makeup, but I do love it and having it (that sounds silly!). Being at home with the kids and having an every day wardrobe of jeans and a shirt and a morning routine that consists of splashing water on my face and hopefully brushing my teeth, makes receiving a gift like this a real treat and very thoughtful.
And then there is gift #2 ...
... a wire fruit bowl - boo YAH again!
Let me assure you if I was to have opened a wire fruit bowl that same Christmas as the makeup kit, the mouth would have been open, but more my jaw hitting the floor in shock and wondering what the hell this metallic bowl-like structure was and why the hell it was in a gift labelled for me :) Some gift choices do change with age and this is one of them. I have been wanting and searching for a wire fruit bowl for close to a year but just never motivated to buy one. Santa was listening I guess and gave me this very appreciated gift. Not quite as exciting as the makeup but still giddy and extremely happy.
four things | twenty-one
2 days ago
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