I am not really a television person. Watching it for too long or for no reason makes me feel lazy. That's not to say I don't like 3-hour lazy naps, I'm just not a huge fan of TV. Same applies for my kids. I don't want them to get in a routine of popping on the TV every time they are bored, things get tough, we're busy, etc. etc. because those things are always happening and its so easy for the ol' screen time to add up. See, I'm a little bit of a traditionalist and think that books should still be manually flipped and a bit of boredom and free, unstructured play is a precursor to creativity and imagination.
In my house, once our day starts - we're dressed, breakfast has been eaten - TV is off and does not go back on (for the most part) until just prior to dinner when I desperately need 30-40 minutes to focus and get food ready. (It is important to note that both of my kids nap though so I get a bit of a break in the afternoon).
We do watch television when we wake up in the morning though. When the kids get up, we grab our blankies, get a cup of juice or milk and snuggle in for about an hour to watch some TV. My kids, up until recently, are very early risers (i.e. pre 6 a.m.) and let me assure you there isn't much one is up for at that hour of the day. Now that they are getting up a little later it's easy to cut the TV time short and get on with the day. But I want to know ... what is your routine in the morning? Have you found another routine that works for you? We don't have a TV in our room so the family snuggle while catching a few more ZZZs is not an option. I would love to start our days doing something else or even change things up from day-to-day and need some ideas from you.
If you have a sec, please share with me your morning routine or TV busting tips. Just press the word "comment" below this post and leave a few words. If you don't want to share your name, use a fake one or just click anonymous. Thanks!
four things | twenty-one
2 days ago
I am admittedly more of a TV user. I often have it on in the background for the kids. It doesn't bother me because they barely watch it, they are usually playing. They both love playing independently or together and my older one loves to colour endlessly. But the odd moment they get bored they turn to the TV for a few minutes and then they go back to playing, so I find it bridges those moments of boredom to give me extra peace. This is only really in the winter, in the warmer weather we were really busy with playdates/walks/park/Wonderland etc. I personally hate daytime TV (talkshows, soaps, etc.) so I don't put on anything for me.
ReplyDeleteLuckily my day doesn't usually start until at least 6:30 with the youngest. I always put the TV on while I make her cereal because otherwise she is freaking the whole time I am making it. I also leave the TV while keeping the little one in the playpen and the older one on the couch while I shower so that they are safe and entertained while I try to shower as fast as humanly possible...
ReplyDeletethanks for all of your comments. Sounds like you ahve a routine that works for you. I'm not sure what it is I just don't like tv on in the background - personal thing - but i can totally see what you mean about bridging that inbetween gap when they momentarily need a filler until the next toy they uncover. I wish I could do a better toy purge but with the youngest still liking so many of the younger items, there isn't much that can go until I"d say another 4 months. Glad you had a good holiday.
we don't have a tv. when we choose to watch something, it's a show on-line or a movie that we watch on our computer. for us, it works because whatever we choose to watch has a set start and end time.....there's no channel flipping and background noise. for us, it works. however, my daughter is only 4 months so things may change in the future (i'll keep you posted!). i grew up in a house where tv was hardly ever watched, and i'm still not much of a tv watcher. my hope is that as my daughter gets older, i don't look to tv for entertainment or space filling. it's easy and quick and totally addictive. i would say if you're looking to break the tv routine....make a big move and get rid of it! or at least no cable. as for morning routine, well, as i said she's only 4 months so not much of one (usually coffee for me and play mat for her)!
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ReplyDeleteI am up at 6:15, shower, dress, make lunch, eat breakfast and am out the door by 7:00.
I don't watch TV that much, I prefer to read or do crafts/DIY. Maybe half an hour a night, if that!
Sharon: thanks for stopping by. And thanks for the Steve and Chris tickets once more. Finally going in a couple of weeks.
ReplyDeleteKatrix: we used to be in the exact same boat - no cable and only watched on the computer. My next line I am saying with a friendly, wry smile ... yes, I would say give it a bit of time since your little lady is only 4 months. NOt that she will want it and not that she needs it but the intensity of caring for her (and a nother sibling?!) definitely goes up exponentially. Not to say it isn't possible, jsut that things shift a bit. I definitely don't like it in the background. Again, jsut a personal thing, but i feel like if you're not watching it, there isn't much point to it being on and would prefer music which I put on a lot of the time.