So have you?
Well, if you're at home, why don't you go in your kitchen and take a quick peak right now .... I'll wait!
While cleaning up my kitchen today when the kids were sleeping I started to drift in my cleaning, chasing various spills and stains I discovered on the cupboards, knobs, counters, ceiling (from our kettle boiling) and then ... to the top of the microwave - yuck! and then to the top of the fridge - ewwww! Needless to say, I will not be providing a picture. Dust meets grease meets too much time since the last clean. This stuff is so hard to get off because it is mixed with the grease from cooking. I found dishwashing soap to work just fine, but ew, ew and more ewwww.
It's nice when you're living in blissful ignorance of what is looming (living) in places you cannot reach or see, but the when you discover it, the reality is quite embarrassing. (I know my mother in law is probably reading this and laughing right now ... or completely grossed out!)
Anyways, please let me know if you found anything on top of your fridge ... or whether you are one of the organized Martha types that wipes it off on a regular basis along with cleans out your fridge shelves and drawers and has already lined her drawers and cupboards so need not worry about the crumbs and marks in there. Any tips?
four things | twenty-one
2 days ago
I am pretty good about cleaning the top of the fridge (maybe 4 times a year, lol). I have found that magic erasers work WONDERFULLY on that kind of thing!