In case you're wondering where our extra few pounds post-holiday season come from ... take a peak at this nutrition label taken from a package of shredded coconut? Specifically the calories and FAT!!
So what if there is a bit of protein in there, read the FAT line again!!
I love macaroons ("chocolate yummies" in my house) and this sheds a whole new light on my jeans and why they fit the way they do right now? Yikes.
Here's to pina coladas and macaroons!
... just a little picture to keep you on your resolutions.
four things | twenty-one
2 days ago
I may have not had any coconut this holiday season but the calorie count of my baked mashed potatoes as well as my baked squash (sorry ladysmith, I cooked with mayonnaise on this one) was off the charts. And I ate leftover casserole for days... Feeling good about changes made for the new year. Nothing drastic, but definitely eating better, watching portion size, cutting down on late snacking and am being more active. I hope to step it up, but I am already feeling better.