Q: If an hour-long, six-times-a-week workout regime is out of the question, what would be a great goal to aim for as far as frequency, duration and type of work out?
We all should aim for 30-45 minutes of exercise at least six days a week with at least one day of rest to recover with three of those days involving weight training and the others some form of prolonged cardio exercise.
Weight (or resistence) exercises can vary from three sets of 8-10 different exercises or creating a circuit of 8-10 exercises and repeating it three times. If short on time try to choose exercises that cover all body parts. If you have more time, choose exercises for two body parts and do a diferent area each work out. (For example: Monday-legs & back, Wednesday-shoulders & triceps, Friday-biceps and chest. with a day of rest in between each).
For cardio you should work at an intensity of five or six (moderately hard) out of ten (where zero is a sleep and ten is exhautsion). Mixing it up with intervals (highs and lows) can decrease the time and up the intensity. I recommend one interval training session a week to boost the metabolism and reduce risk of plateau. Of course choosing a variety of cardio activities reduces boredom and injury. Group fitness or working out with a friend is recommended if your motivation is low.
**Don't forget to include lower back and abs somewhere in the mix.
Q: Working out is made a reality for a lot of busy women by getting it done at home. What fitness videos do you personally use and/or recommend? Any you don’t recommend?
I have some great videos:
- Debbie Seibers does a variety of upper and lower body workouts with light weights, always leaves my legs burning.
- Recently I did Tony Horton's P90X. Got really strong and built up a lot of muscle with it but found the exercises lacked variety - most were contraindicated for safety and it was very "old boy" school. Some exercises also too hard for most people to do safely.
- Lastly I have a Jillian Michaels (The Biggest Loser) circuit DVD. Great workout for 45 min. I am a big fan of The Biggest Loser.
Q: How do you know when to give yourself a pass – after a sleepless night with multiple wake ups, a house full of people sick with the stomach flu, etc? Sometimes (and I’m not saying always) isn’t it more healthy just to give yourself a pass then to push ourselves too hard?
Good questions, hard answer. It is an individual's call.
Sometimes a little exercise is like having a morning coffee. It give you the adrenaline boost you need to get through the day and shake out the sluggishness you carry. Sometime this is what you body need to cope with fatigue, busy schedules, stress and of course whiny , runny noses.
That being said, if you are feeling burnt out I would not sacrifice a good night's sleep for a workout. On those days (which are many in my life) I try to keep my workouts to the morning or early afternoon, then I am energized for the day. Resist working out within two hours of your bedtime so you do not boost yourself up when you should be winding down.
Should you feel like you need to do something (anything!), go through gentle , long-hold stretches or even some gentle yoga moves and breathing. These will hep reduce tension from the day and help with relaxation.
Lastly, if you can barely keep your eyes open, I would choose the nap over exercise. Sleep is our way of healing and restoring our energy. You will also reduce risk of injury.
Q: How do you stay active when visiting family or friends on the weekends?
I pack a resistance band in my suitcase and do a few exercises daily when I get time alone. I go for walks after dinner with my mother-in-law or we walk instead of drive to the grocery store. And as a member of the Goodlife gym I can go to locations in any city. I usually sneak out when everyone is napping. We have been told a million times, but we just have to make it a priority.
Admittedly despite my gung-ho attitude as 2011 rang in, I am failing desperately with my fitness goals. I am really not getting the exercising in at home, so have made the decision to join the gym on the weekend. I also went to see our favorite naturopath yesterday, Dr. S, and got assessments for myself and the girls. She is getting me started on a great dietary plan that is going to get the junk out of my system. *sigh* She's going to take away my wine, but I think it will be a great fresh start. Cutting things out of my diet that have been making me feel sluggish is going to hopefully result in a renewed energy so I can get up to multiple exercise sessions. How have you been doing with your goals LadySmith?
ReplyDeleteA date with Dr. S - good for you. i should do that. Scared of what she'll tell me :)
ReplyDeleteGoals have been going well - fitness that is. Have been doing my video(s) three times a week. Everyone has been sick so it has been a bit hectic around ehre but other than that pretty good. Veggies into the boys (another resolution) is tough when battling stomach flu :) You go girl!