Anyone else's jeans rubbing a bit tighter on the ol' thighs this week? Thank you Dad for your wonderful cooking this week.
Anyone else's house an absolute disaster, complete with half put away Christmas decorations, pine needles everywhere, recycling overflowing and suitcases? Time to get unpacked and get back to normal I guess.
Anyone else's kids' rooms chaotic and in need of a major clean up? The joys of post Christmas.
And how about a little bag or box in your room, maybe at the foot of your bed or piled on a chair, filled with all of your little stocking stuffer goodies that need to find a home, anyone have one of those? These are usually my favorite things to re-find and look at post-Christmas - new toiletries, magazines, make up, jewellery, etc.
How about those resolutions? Did anyone make any? Would love to hear them. More on mine later this week, along with some posts I'm working on about travelling with kids, chewing gum, a wire fruit bowl and makeup.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Thanks for bearing with my reposts last week while I was away. My hope is to be back to normal schedule starting today - regular posts Monday through Friday most of the time.
Please do share a 2011 goal or resolution. Would love to help you out if I can.
four things | twenty-one
2 days ago
I finally packed away all of Christmas inclduing the tree on Monday (to which my daughter exclaimed "oh no my first Christmas is ruined!" Which is funny b/c she is 3). I also did the toy purge which cleared up so much space and will make it easier for the kids to enjoy their new toys.
ReplyDeleteResolutions, I definitely have a few this year. I really want to shed a few pounds and tone up, especially since we are hoping to head down south in a few months. I am hoping to watch portion sizes, eat more veggies and brush my teeth right after dinner so when hubby brings out the chips I don't head into the bag myself (I don't even like chips that much, but when they are right in front of you...). I am also trying to do 30 min of exercise each day, even if I have to split it up in increments depending on what else I have going on. I want to spend less time online, be smarter about my grocery shopping, and go to bed earlier!
Wow Wow Miss Jennie. I'm impressed. I"ll be posting my resos a bit later this week but they are similar to yours. So cute your comment from your daughter re: christmas. Oh no! less time online, does that mean C&CS will be cut off? I hope not. Happy new Year