Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Nemesis: The Fitted Sheet

Does anyone out there really know how to fold a fitted sheet so it looks the same as a flat sheet when it's done? You know, neat and crisp corners and easily stackable in my linen closet (well sort of anyways).

If you can achieve some sort of neat semblance of your fitted sheets once you have completed folding, I bow down to you. I am in awe. Please share your secrets.

I know there's some sort of secret about fitting the corners together and then squaring it off, yaddy yaddy yah.  I even saw Martha Stewart talk about it on Oprah like a decade ago ... needless to say fitted sheets and mastering their folding technique wasn't exactly a topic of interest to me at the time. 

No matter how hard I try, my fitteds end up looking more like a snowball than a neat, Martha-worthy product.
This is NOT what my fitted sheets look like.   (Source)

Sometimes I just plain give up and fold it a few times and then roll it up in a ball, not fighting the inevitable, choosing to instead, embrace my lack of fitted sheet folding skills.

I don't mind folding the regular flat sheets. I learned my skill at a summer job in 1993 working at a hotel folding white bed linens and towels, all day long.  If  I was folding for a hotel, I have to be pretty good right?  Especially after that kind of repetition.  My secret:  hotels only use flat sheets!

Well, if you haven't guessed it already, today is laundry day and I'll be faced with a few fitted sheets along the way as all the beds were stripped this weekend.  Errrr ... I really don't like folding them.

Wish me luck.


P.S. Dear MIL whom I know will read this ... I know you have secrets so do tell and share with us, leave a comment!


  1. I'm still trying to picture you folding sheets at a hotel at age 4! I didn't even have a paper route by then :) My folded fitted sheets look pretty much like that snowball you described, you are not alone!

  2. My friend told me how her mother-in-law does it and I now do it the same way. You have to fold the edge pieces all in to the centre on one side and then you have just a plain rectangle and you fold it up as per any other rectangle (I hope that makes sense). It is a little tricky to do in the air, but can be done with practice.

  3. Grace: thanks for the tip! That is roughly how it was explained by Martha on Oprah. If I really take my time i don't do that bad of a job, the only challenge is that when you do it front of the tv, where I often do, there isn't much room to lay out the sheet and precision fold. i guess I have a choice to make - tv or nicely folded sheets?! i will have to practice my air folding! Thanks for commenting.


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