Attempting to sweep soggy rice krispies, cheerios or corn flakes off the floor after breakfast is definitely not my favourite chore, that is for sure. Dried cheerios that never met the milk - easy peasy - but damp, soggy, cereal clinging to the hardwood floor for dear life and not responding to my desperate sweeping strokes of the broom - gross. And then if you're too aggressive they start to somewhat disintegrate and break apart and well, now you're rubbing your floor with a new cornflake polish. Another challenge exists when the cheerios harden onto the floor and require you to actually pick them off with your fingernails, or via my lazy way using the opposite end of the broom handle (sometimes I would rather attempt my lazy way with the broom, taking ten times as long than having to crouch down and scratch at the cereal).
I also don't enjoy stepping in abandoned cereal pieces throughout the day as I navigate past my kitchen table (gasp! no, I don't usually sweep after breakfast). It's also really nice (insert sarcasm) when you feel the crunch under foot as you walk on the family room carpet and realize that you have just pulverized a cheerio (that had been tossed aside from a snack cup) into a thousand little crumbs ... and then I usually take another step and bull's eye, step on another few before making a successful exit. errrrr!
This is where all you families with dogs can have the last laugh (I have mine while I'm out walking and don't have to carry that blasted poop bag with me)!
Thinking about switching to eggs this morning? They are absolutely no better. Maybe we'll smoothie it :)
Happy Friday!
P.S. In regards to the Lead in Your Lipstick posts earlier this week, if there are any specific types of beauty produces i.e. mascara, deodorant, baby powder, that you are interested in learning more about, let me know and I can share some info from the book.
Interiors of a Storyteller
18 hours ago