Laundry is, unfortunately, inevitable.
... But let me share with you a little trick that I have discovered.
Most of the time, especially amongst mothers, their is constant chatter about the never-ending cycle of laundry that is done on a daily basis. I used to fall into this category. Stressed and depleted by never feeling finished and ALWAYS having more to do. Well, let me tell you that I have now designated a specific laundry day (Wednesday) in which I do laundry. I would be lying if I told you that I completed all of our laundry in one day, but I do try and get in done in two. By designating a specific jour du week for the cleansing of our clothes, I create a start and finish, thus completing my task, achieving my goal and getting a break.
The only rule is that during laundry day, once all of the dirty clothes from around the house have been corralled and the mother load of laundry has been brought to the washing machine, that's it! New dirty clothes will climb into everyone's dirty hampers at all times of the day, but don't you dare collect it! Those new articles missed the train and can be looked after next week!
Seems pretty simple, but it really works for me and does take the annoying "never done" part out of laundry
Not sure if I'm the only person who does this ... maybe I'm the last person to figure it out?! Anyhoo, thought I would share as I find it a lot easier than tackling laundry any and every day.
Taking A Break From Laundry
P.S. I recently switched my laundry day from Friday to Wednesday, this way I'm not doing laundry all weekend long!
Interiors of a Storyteller
12 hours ago