I must admit that up until recently, when walking with my son, I would identify virtually all construction vehicles as "tractors" or if I wanted to get really specific, "bulldozers".
That is until approximately six months ago, he hit his "construction phase". Instantly he was into everything construction. It's funny because within a week of taking out a few kids' construction books from the library, I now know more than I ever have, about construction vehicles and sites. I can identify back hoes, excavators, front end loaders, earth movers, graders, rollers, bull dozers, cranes, fork lifts and of course the basic dump truck. Who said you can't learn anything while reading kids' books! thanks to a couple of basic coloured board books, I can now walk past the many construction sites in our neighbourhood and correctly identify most moving vehicles. A "tractor" - how basic!
See how good you are ... name the vehicles below? Answers in next post.
Hard Hat Hilda
four things | twenty-one
2 days ago
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