I love taking them, and more importantly, I love it when both of my children take them at the same time.
Ahhhhhhhh. The stillness and quiet in the house is wonderful.
You always hear people say, "nap when your kids nap so you can have a rest," but even when I'm exhausted I hesitate to do this because although your body gets a rest, mentally it's like you never even stopped. You don't get time to do anything for you and then you wake up to crying or screaming (FYI - not that enjoyable of a way to wake up for those who have never experienced it). So much for gradually waking up and drifting in and out of consciousness like the good ol' days ... nope, you wake to "Moooooooom!" or "Wahhhhhhhhhh!" and must begin fully functioning and accelerate from 0-100 mph in 30 seconds or less. I have woken up from naps so out of it that there is a good ten second time period where I have absolutely no idea what is going on or where I am.
A few of my friends that do not have children have asked me whether I was a "napper" pre-kids, concerned that they won't be able to nap to catch up on sleep when they do have kids ... and yes, I was a napper pre-kids. I assure you, the severity of lack of sleep that exists at times will make a napper out of anybody - not to worry. I was also a "must get 8 hours of sleep" person pre-kids and that's not working out so much these days ... but I'm fine.
So whether you're enjoying a nap yourself today - either by sleeping or relishing in the quiet - or have to settle for no nap and a warm, cozy cup of tea or coffee will suffice... enjoy an "Ahhhhhhh" moment.
Nap lover
four things | twenty-one
2 days ago
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