Katie Ireland, PT, MCPA, Fitness Trainer |
Welcome to the 2nd day of Cashmere & Carrot Stick's
Glitzy Blitz!
Today we have a guest blogger - Katie Ireland, Registered Physiotherapist, MCPA and Fitness Trainer.
Wow! That title sounds like she could definitely kick all of our asses. So I guess it's fitting that she is going to answer some of our exercise questions today and get us moving and grooving and kicking all of our exercise excuses to the curb.
(my questions and comments are in pink).
C&CS: How do you personally fit in exercise with three kids yourself?
Katie: Good question. I just make it a priority.
(That's what I was afraid she'd say!)
It may not happen everyday but at some point in the day I will do something, whether it's at 9 p.m. after the kids are asleep, beside the crib while my son settles or even while I am brushing my teeth.
I devote two nights a week to exercise -one to play soccer and another for an official workout. This guarantees me at least two nights that are dedicated for ME to get out and exercise. On the weekend, my husband and I also take turns going to the gym. It is busy, but I always feel better and more energized afterwards. It is always worth the sacrifice.
Another way is to involve your kids and let them see you exercising. In our house it is not unusual for the kids to be with us stretching, doing push ups, dancing or sit ups. The baby also likes to carry around two pound weights?! I am ridiculous about how and where in the house I exercise. There is not much need for equipment so don't let that be your excuse!
C&CS: As a busy Mom or person, what is more important when trying to fit a workout in, intensity or duration?
Katie: Intensity is the key for a busy schedule and weight loss
(yes! the magic word.). The harder you work, the more calories you burn and the longer you will burn calories after the workout ... presto weight loss.
The craze these days is interval training, circuits or super setting. All these techniques challenge you to go from one exercise to the next with minimal or no rest making you work at a higher heart rate. Everyone should add this to their workouts. A long walk every time you work out it not good enough
(uh oh - so much for that justification). High intensity will really boost your fitness routine
C&CS: What should all women include in their routine and be sure not to leave out?
Everyone should have a series of three core and lower-back exercises as well as Kegal exercises.
As a physiotherapist I see a lot of 50 year-old moms that are suffering from early signs of Hip Osteoarthritis, Degenerative Back Disease and Incontinence. I truly believe it stems form leading a busy, active lifestyle without the proper muscle to support their hips, pelvis and lower back.
There is nothing worse than peeing a few drips when you chase kids, sneeze of laugh. If you can relate, your pelvic floor muscles are inadequate
(I'm not telling). If you are unsure of what to do, physiotherapists are great for educating on this topic.
Upper back exercises are also really important for good posture and help reduce the stress of carrying heavy kids. These exercises include supermans, one-arm rows and seated row. All of these can be done at the gym OR at home.
C&CS: Describe your favorite Mom-friendly, able to do in the comfort of your own home, work out?
I have lots of them! You may have noticed, I am a bit of a fitness nut. My workouts will always vary depending on the day.
I enjoy videos when I want more of a cardio workout or mind-numbing exercise.
Or for something a bit different, I often convert my living room into a circuit by writing down eight strength exercises that involve weights, bands or body weight and then pair them with a cardio exercise (i.e. stair hops, stair runs, side shuffle, mountain climber or jumping jacks). Depending on my time I will set a timer for 30-60 seconds and just rotate around each station. Cheap, easy set-up and a great workout in 30 minutes.
I also save my core and back exercises for when I am settling the baby. I just lay beside the crib and do my series of moves. It is easier to block out the crying and I don't feel like I am wasting time while he nods off (sometimes 30 minutes!!).
C&CS: Last words of advice to all of us Moms?
Go for it girls! Put yourself ahead of your family a few days a week and get fit.
There is NO excuse for carrying extra baby fat around. It just means you are not working hard enough or not doing the right exercises.
(I was afraid she was going to say that too!)
It will take time to get into a routine, but once established you will be hooked.
Sign yourself up for something or meet once a week with friends to run or workout. Let your husband know it is your night and then you are guaranteed one session a week.
Date nights don't have to be only dinner and a movie, what about a workout together before you head out for dinner. Then you can get fit and still be together.
Lastly, be creative - exercise outdoors, in your house, use weights, bands, balls, no weight.
The easier the activity and the more convenient it is to your lifestyle, the more likely you will do it. Fitness can be cheap and convenient and does not have to involve expensive memberships and classes. Remember the health benefits are about the accumulation of exercise not just per session. If you are short on time do 10-15 minutes in the morning and another 10-15 minutes in the afternoon.
Please feel free to leave a comment for Katie on this post. Katie is located in the Ottawa, Ontario area and can also be reached at:
katieireland@hotmail.com. So for you ladies in the Ottawa area, I know you're out there, Katie is your gal.
If you like what you're reading, stay tuned for more of Katie's fitness tips in the weeks to come.