(compliments of Little Prairie Baby)
Some of us have husbands who are not that bad at shopping and choosing out female-ish gifts and some of us ... well ... have husbands whose strengths lie strictly in the power-tools aisle and in stores rhyming with Dome Sheep-O! (Note: hubby, if you are reading this, thank you, you are of the former description plus some).
Read this on Little Prairie Baby - a sweet, down-to-earth, funny and honest blog I enjoy reading. This particular post pertains to Shopping Rules for Men. I have pasted below, but I encourage you to check the whole blog out when you have a chance (Bud is the person the rules were originally intended for).
-always consult guide before buying a gift
-NEVER disregard ANY rules in guide
-post somewhere you will never lose or forget about it
- If you can write it off-do not even consider this an option.
- DO NOT look in stores like Canadian Tire, Princess Auto, UFA, Peavy Mart, or Mark's Work Warehouse. If a store sells similar stuff as the above listed stores walk, no RUN away!
- Consult with your mom or sisters until you have the hang of gift giving-if they say it's terrible-IT'S TERRIBLE-don't go ahead with the plan!
- Listen for hints...some hints might not be intentional and they may not be direct at all. Listen for phrases like "Maybe I'll wait for January sales to buy that rusty star!" Take heed!
- Wrap with care (or get your sister to.) Putting time and care into wrapping, and a card makes it more personal. It makes it look like more thought was placed into it, rather than just picking something up at Cactus Corner while you fueled up.
- If it cleans up the yard, house, vehicle...helps a person cook...do laundry, etc, this is a STUPID idea. No matter what, a gift should not involve ANY work or be any kind of household appliance. Gifts should be some kind joy and luxury...not work. This is a KEY rule-tears or anger may result if ignored.
- Gifts should be bought at girly shops that make you uncomfortable and makes you keep your hands to yourself, so you don't break anything!
Hope you enjoyed. Remember to enter in this week's Glitzy Blitz draw for Sephora and Starbucks gifts. Click here for a refresher on how to enter.
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