Okay so it's snowing when I get up this morning.
Gut reaction: so pretty, but let's put on the sweats and cuddle up.
Reality check: the temperature is finally warmer, must go outside or kids will go stir crazy (again).
So I bravely attempt to tape up a few packages for Canada Post, put on three snow suits (me included), three hats, three pairs of mitts, three pairs of boots, explain to my three-year-old that I can't carry him, get two kids situated in a double outdoor stroller and we're off to the post office.
I have to admit, pretty nice out, beautiful really, proud of myself for going for it and getting out and also some exercise (do you know how hard it is to push a double stroller through a few inches of fresh snow with very large Sorel boots on while carrying a pretty heavy bag that wouldn't fit in my stroller?).
So I'm almost there, about 300 metres to go, waiting at a set of lights when it dawned on me ... I forgot my wallet. I'm not sure, but the last time I checked, Canada Post did not allow packages to be mailed on hand shakes.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! There goes my proud moment, replaced with exasperated moment. Change of plans kids.
"Mommy, why are we turning around?"
So we went home and I took them toboganning instead.** Well actually, one slept while the other slowly slid down a ten foot hill. He loved it and I had fun too.
Then ... we go home, switch out of our snowsuits and into our winter jackets(waaay easier said/typed than done in real life ... insert 10 minutes) . Get into the car, remember my wallet and package and head off for the post office. After this stop, I was ready to call it quits, but my three-year-old reminds me that we should go to the doctors for my youngest's "needle". Off we go to the walk-in and wait 25 minutes for the 2nd half of my son's flu shot (he didn't even cry - bonus!) Then we go home, eat lunch and off to naps. That is when I sat down and enjoyed these.
When they woke up they wanted to play?! I felt like saying/shouting, "are you kidding me? I gave you everything I had before 11 a.m."
And to think there are some who still think us stay-at-home moms just sit around and watch soaps ?!
**Note that my extra motivation for going for a winter walk and toboggan may have been because I had just read through today's first post by Laura Lueloff.
P.S. Last chance (only a few hours left) to enter in this week's Glitzy Blitz prize giveaway from Sephora and Starbucks . Click here to learn more ... and if we reach 25 followers - come on we can do it! - I'll throw in a couple extra prizes. Thanks to Amy, Lauren, Goodpass and Laura who qualified yesterday for the draw.
four things | twenty-one
2 days ago
Hey! I love the idea of an evening walk! Let's start that next week???
sure or tomorrow?