Sometimes I have those mornings ... you know the ones where your blood pressure spikes and you want to scream ... and the ones where you actually do?!
Yesterday was one of those such mornings.
On the morning schedule was a trip to Great Grandma's house and she wanted us there for 9:30 a.m.
Of course, my kids were ready to go at about 8:00 a.m. (the drive is only thirty minutes). I decided to exit the premises anyways rather than break up fights and discipline for the next hour. I voted for Country Style for a coffee with mom.
Earlier in the morning as my husband was leaving, I realized the car seats were still in his car ... and did I mention it was pouring rain? He was already late and being that I can do the car seats a bit quicker, out I went to take them out of his car and temporarily place them in the garage. Now at 8:00 a.m. with kids in tow, I had to figure out how I was going to get the car seats into the car, while keeping my 3-year-old entertained and my 1-year-old safe. I placed my one year old in the stroller which was in the garage, strapped him in to watch, let my 3-year-old play with a toboggan and proceeded to put the car seats into the car.
Okay, we're set.
We get to Country Style (which is around the corner from my house) .... no wallet. Back home we go.
Run inside, get wallet.
Halfway down the street, I realize that my youngest is now asleep and I don't have the stroller in the car which means going for a coffee is impossible without waking him up!!!
Back to the house we go to get the stroller.
Once home and opening my trunk, I discover and remember that my four all season tires (remember, I had my snow tires put on this past weekend) are still in my trunk.
Okay, deep breaths. Scream or cry?
I take all four tires out, get the stroller and we're off... finally!
We get to Country Style and it's pouring out. I won't bore you with the rest of the details because they were easy in comparison but they still involved getting two kids out of a car while keeping one of them asleep all while it was pouring rain out, getting a stroller and a 3-year-old through very heavy double doors, an emergency bathroom request while halfway through my debit purchase and a muffin being dropped on the floor.
All before 9:00 a.m.
Grandma's house was a breeze in comparison.
four things | twenty-one
2 days ago
That sounds like a rough start to your day!
ReplyDeleteI would've cried. I'm not much of a yeller/screamer, but frustration tears have been known to surface from time to time with me.
I used to cry when my 2nd was first born when everyone needed me but I didn't know how to do it all and be there for everyone. I'd just have everyone come to me and we'd all wail together - kind of funny/cute now.
ReplyDeleteDeep breaths help too. simple enough but they do. it's funny how 5 minutes later you can be in a totally different spot.
Wow you are much more ambitious than me. I would've gone through the drive thru for my coffee and gone for a drive instead. I absolutley hate lugging the kids in and out of the car in the rain. Glad to know I am not the only crier when I am totally maxed out!
ReplyDeleteI'm smiling. Soon you will be too when you look back at moments like this. Motherhood is the most challenging and satisfying job.You'll be glad you took it when you see those sweet faces on christmas morning...Quote from your eldest going through the T.H. drive thru," If I'm a lucky boy I'll get a donut".