Tuesday, December 21, 2010

This Morning in Pictures

Ahhh, the "fun" of veering from the usual daily/weekly routine. As most of you know (and are experiencing first-hand on a second-to-second basis), school is out for two weeks. This means, no JK, no nursery school, no programs, etc. This also means house destruction, going stir crazy, the need to plan days and enough activities to keep busy, Christmas sugar highs, company and an energy level that is seen only once a year.

Pictures below to illustrate our morning. We in fact, did have a lot of fun.

Hallway debris post a few games

Dog had a Christmas party for all of the stuffies.

Our homemade Christmas tree made this a.m.
Good luck to everyone. May the force be with you.

And for those of you who do not have kids and may be thinking, what's the big deal? Or perhaps, you're thinking that everyone should just be soaking up all this added quality bonding that can occur this week between parent and child ... it's not that I don't love being with my kids. It's just the constant added "on" ness and sustained energy level that is required with none of the usual breaks to give you mini-boosts and refreshers.

Recommendation:  pre-plan your days - meals, crafts, outdoor activity, visit with someone. Way better than winging it.

Here's to the fact I ate waaaaay too many sweets last night.  I was going with the theory that if I ingest as much as possible in one sitting, that it may curtail my snackings on the same material in the days to come.  Yeah, I 'll let you know how that works out for me.  Usually works until about 1:00 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. Good idea on the snacks. I also like to go with the one, if I eat them all now, they won't be around for me to eat later on!

    Good luck with your kiddies!


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