Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Splurge on the Shampoo

I have always been a no nonsense cosmetics and beauty product kind of gal.
 My girlfriends in high school would cringe when I pulled out my dove soap to wash my face, and jaws dropped to the floor when I lathered on the Vaseline Intensive Care for my face moisturizer (still have a bottle tucked away, but now use mostly for below the neck).  What can I say? I never really broke out or had skin issues so why change anything?  It worked.

This simple and frugal approach was also applied to hair products ... and then enter my organic stage and I'm sudsing the locks with organic shampoo and conditioner.  That is until one day, post haircut when I was caught up in the spending flurry of a girls day at the spa, my stylist convinced me to purchase some salon products ... you know the ones .... $18 for the shampoo and conditioner ... EACH! Well ladies, I have never looked back.  These pricey products in extremely small bottles make a difference. I have straight, fine hair with little body and I don't colour my hair a lot (at all really) so I don't have the benefit of some damage to lift up my roots.  The products (I use L'Oreal Professional something) seem to make my hair thicker with more body and oomph.

Pre-expensive products, there was no way, except for the odd time (and I felt gross all day), that I would ever skip a day of washing my hair. If I did, it looked stringy and gross while down and slicked to my head if I wore it back. And I hear some people say they only wash their hair every few days? I wondered why my locks were soooo different.

I'm not saying I wait three days to wash my hair now, but to skip a day is absolutely no big deal and I don't feel gross or self conscious. If anything my hair sometimes has more body the second day ?! Go figure.

Anyways, if you're still Herbal Essencing it (I do love the scents), may want to treat yourself at your next haircut and see what you think. I still cringe whenever I peak at the price, but considering how non-existent my beauty routine is right now, I figure it's the little splurge I deserve.


  1. I'm a pantene type of girl - I'm spending all my extra fun money on lamps and fabric!

  2. Laurel - i like pantene as well and do flip flop. It is a bit depressing if you have to have a separate line item in the household budget for hair prodcuts :) Thanks for visiting and enjoy some hot chocolate for me today.


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